Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Comment on Dana Hull’s Article (Response to class Assignment)
Q. What did you learn about blogging?
A. Dana Hull’s article “Blogging between the lines” (2006) has taught me that blogging as a social media is evolving every day. That newsrooms and newspapers are now blogging (online) which has steered away from the old fashioned Journalism (paper/print). Also that blogs are supposed to be informative and fun. In her article she also reminds that “Blogs are not intended to be objective and journalists are. They are supposed to be opinionated.”
Q. What did Hull invite you to think about?
A. With that in mind even though blogs are conversations about almost anything, I need to make sure that posts are sensitive to peoples’ emotions especially those from different ethnic groups. This is why most social media has ethic codes to protect themselves and others. I hope my blog “Savory Yummy foods” portrays a positive look since it is composed of internationally diverse types of food.